Discrete Approach Offers Physical Confirmation: Three Spatial Dimensions.
In MQ Form
On the left we resolve the rate of universal expansion, written in terms of the three fundamental measures. Notably, the expansion is cubic, once for each spatial dimension. This is a unity expression in Pythagorean form A^2 + B^2 = C^2, thus leading to the middle term which describes a length count of expansion per length count corresponding to light.
There are no inputs needed to resolve this expression.
- lf, mf and tf are the fundamental measures, more precise expressions for Planck’s units – length, mass, and time – that consider the effects of length contraction associated with discrete measure.
- θsi can be measured as the polarization angle of quantum entangled X-rays at the degenerate frequency of a maximal Bell state. As an angle θsi=3.26239 rad ± 2 μrad; as a momentum θsi=3.26239030392(48) kg m s-1 and with respect to the Target Frame, θsi has no units. The relation of angle and mass is mathematically demonstrated, as well, by No-Ping Chen, et. al.
- nL, nM and nT are physically significant discrete counts of lf, mf and tf respectively.
- nLc describes the count of lf representative of a change in position of light measured with respect to the observer’s frame of reference.
- nLo is the count of lf observed with respect to the observer’s frame of reference.
- nLl is the count of lf measured with respect to the observer’s frame of reference.
- H is the value of H0 m s-1Mpc-1 when resolved with respect to universal expansion (i.e., the Target Frame).
- HU is the rate of universal expansion with respect to the diameter of the universe (per DU). This differs from stellar expansion (i.e., Hubble’s description).
- Macr is the rate of mass accretion in the universe.
- Aee is the dilated age of the universe as measured from the current expansionary epoch. Its value is a function of expansion with respect to the total elapsed time representing the quantum epoch.
- Aqe is the non-dilated age of the universe corresponding to the quantum epoch.
We present expressions that provide support for an upper count bound to the dimension of length. Therein, we offer the fundamental expression, which provides a description of the three dimensions - as indivisible fundamental units of measure - in their most reduced form. That relation can be modified to isolate the notion of length relative to mass and time, thus revealing that space has at most three physically significant dimensions.
Before presenting this argument, several prerequisite claims must be established. This, we achieve with Measurement Quantization (MQ). MQ is a nomenclature, a paring of each of the three dimensions as two component terms, a fundamental measure and a count of that measure. The nomenclature was developed as a result of analysis of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which when applying the MQ approach to describe the Planck scale bound allows a reduction of the expression such that all measure terms cancel out.
This analysis is crucial to unraveling the values of the count terms and then the values of the fundamental measures. We are, with this able to establish the physical significance of measure. Significant challenges in modern theory are resolved as a result of the model, for instance a better understanding of optical experiments regarding quantum entanglement, a description of gravitational curvature and a resolution of differences between measures of the gravitational constant and the reduced Planck constant as published in the 2010, 2014, and 2018 CODATA publications.
For our first example, we consider an expression we identify as the unity expression. The expression has been organized such that it is now in a more familiar form, a relativistic relation with the beta term in the numerator.
The expression HU=tf / lfmf=2θsi describes universal expansion such that HU is the rate of expansion when defined with respect to the radius of the universe (i.e. as opposed to per megaparsec). Taking the cube root (i.e. the measure of length in each of the three dimensions) provides us the Pythagorean correlation to side a, which when summed with the square of side b must equal 1. Notably, side b which is made up of a change count nL representing the change in length count corresponding to t0 of the expansionary epoch divided by the change in length count traveled by light describes the corresponding bound ratio for the expansion.
With this we can now consider what a universe with other dimensions might look like by changing the exponent respectively. That is, a four dimensional universe - as regards spatial dimensions - would require discrete count solutions that resolved HU. The relative values of the fundamental measures would still have correspondence to the bound ratio on side b. But, the number of those solutions would be limited, constrained to the cubic relation afforded by the Pythagorean theorem. It is on this ground that we lean against multidimensional models in favor of a two dimensional spatial framework which is then extended to three.
For completeness, we also consider the expression for mass accretion.
Notice that the rate of accretion is a function of θsi where HU=2θsi cubed (i.e. once for each spatial dimension). In this example it becomes more evident that a factorization of dimensions is just that. While not mathematically incorrect, factorizations of the spatial frame of reference do not afford a greater understanding of the laws of nature.
Quantum Inflation, Transition to Expansion, CMB Power Spectrum