Classical Approach to Orbital Star Velocity Obviates Dark Matter Conjecture While Demonstrating Path of Lowest Energy
In MQ Form
The expression for kinetic energy can be resolved in MQ form starting with the expression for orbital velocity. Importantly, the expressions emphasize the importance of count bounds relatively between the fundamental measures.
There are no specific inputs needed to resolve this expression.
- lf, mf and tf are the fundamental measures, more precise expressions for Planck’s units – length, mass, and time – that consider the effects of length contraction associated with discrete measure.
- θsi can be measured as the polarization angle of quantum entangled X-rays at the degenerate frequency of a maximal Bell state. As an angle θsi=3.26239 rad ± 2 μrad; as a momentum θsi=3.26239030392(48) kg m s-1 and with respect to the Target Frame, θsi has no units. The relation of angle and mass is mathematically demonstrated, as well, by No-Ping Chen, et. al.
- v is velocity between an observer and a target.
- c is the speed of light which may also be written as c=nLlf/nTtf=299,792,458 m/s such that nL=nT=1 is physically significant.
- nL, nM and nT are physically significant discrete counts of lf, mf and tf respectively.
- nLr describes the count of lf representative of the position of an observable with respect to the frame of a center of mass.
- E is the energy of a gravitational mass with a given velocity.
- M and m are the observed mass of a system.
Experimental Support
We present an MQ description of the orbital velocity of stars for the Milky Way as a function of the upper count bound of units of fundamental mass per increment of fundamental time. The purple line in the graph below describes this bound, unadjusted for the mass profile of a galaxy. When we account for the mass profile of the Milky Way we resolve the curve charted in red. The source data (in green) represents his MOND model of McGaugh's observational data. By comparison, the blue line describes Newton's expression.
The data when compared to an MQ description of star velocity data demonstrates the physical significance of count bounds and this provides a physical foundation for correlation of the above expressions which resolve also the expression for kinetic energy.
[1] McGaugh, S.S.: A Precise Milky Way Rotation Curve Model for an Accurate Galactocentric Distance (August 2018) Res. Notes AAS, 2, 156,
[15] McGaugh, S.S.: Milky Way Mass Models and MOND (2008) ApJ, 683, 137-148,
There are many approaches to a resolution of the expression for kinetic energy. What distinguishes this approach from often seen classical implementations is the use of the Measurement Quantization (MQ) expression for star velocities about a galactic core. The derivation also reveals cross disciplinary applications, for instance, new approaches to a description of the upper bound velocity to the velocity of stars in a galaxy and how that bound distinctly identifies the relation of energy and mass. We also describe the count relation of fundamental mass to that of length and time, which are also present in Einstein's expression E=mc2. Consider then a review.
MQ is an expansion of the existing classical nomenclature. Its most notable feature is a separation of measure - the fundamental measures lf, mf, and tf - from counts counts of those measures. When applied to a description of [Heisenberg's uncertainty principle][5] at the Planck scale bound we discover, that the reference measures cancel out leaving us with only counts. This exercise reveals that the Planck scale bound is a geometric feature of the expanding frame of the universe. It also provides a physical instantiation with which to derive from first principles expresions and values for the fundamental measures. With this overview, we turn our attention to the derivation.
The rotational velocity of stars can be described as a function of c times the square root of fundamental unit of mass over a count of the fundamental unit of length, each correlated with a count of fundamental units of time. The count ratio is then 2mf, a description of the upper count bound to mf with respect to the discrete Internal Frame of the universe. Resolved with respect to the non-discrete System Frame of the universe - which has no external reference - the expression is scaled by θsi, the radial rate of universal expansion.
Continuing the reduction, without the expansion parameter, we resolve the Internal Frame transform of the fundamental expression under the root. This can then be reduced to terms of energy equal to one unit of fundamental mass, Ef=2θsic*, giving us just 2Ef. In other words, the energy of a fundamental unit of mass is Ef=2v2 and if we were to consider a mass mf where the smallest count of mf is nM=1/2, then that mass moving at the speed of light is just Ef=2(1/2)mfc2. If generalized for any energy and any mass we multiply both sides by nE=nM to get E=mc2, a simple demonstration of the considerable flexibility and directness of MQ when working with physical expressions.
A continuation of the derivation, we move mf to the denominator and then recognize that 1/mf is the upper count bound frequency of a fundamental unit of mass. We will need to keep in mind that this is not any count, but specifically that count at the upper count bound corresponding to mass frequency.
Finally, we multiply by the fundamental expression (2θsi/cmf)=1 and then reduce with the energy expression Ef=2θsic. But, this time we take the generalized form as noted above in our derivation of Einstein's energy equation to find that we are left with just 2E/m under the root. Finally, squaring both sides we resolve the expression for kinetic energy.
The reduction incorporates several physical disciplines: the rotational velocity of stars, the upper count bound to fundamental units of mass which in turn constrain gravity and lead to the dark matter phenomenon, Einstein's expression for energy and finally the expression for kinetic energy. We also discover several other relations that are not well known. For one, in the expression we correlate mass and velocity. That is, squaring the first and last term of the first line we get v2=c2(nM/nLr). This can then be organized into the form of a relativistic speed parameter such that (v2/c2)=(nM/nLr) giving us the relation between motion and mass which constitutes gravitational curvature at the upper count bound to the mass frequency. This expression leads to the expression for motion as a product of the Pythagorean theorem and demonstrates that equivalence is a demonstratable outcome of the geometry.
Quantum Inflation, Transition to Expansion, CMB Power Spectrum