Collaborators (updated October 20, 2022)
We expect a major boost in MQ research in early 2023 when 50 more papers will be submitted to peer reviewed journals. These papers are undergoing final reviews. For those interested in preliminary results, the papers are hosted as pre-prints on ResearchGate.
If you would like to know more about the MQ research initiative, please submit your questions through our contact page.
An MQ Discovery Series - Pre-prints
A Series of 50 Papers Advancing Solutions to the Most Difficult Problems in Modern Theory
The Physical Constants
New Expressions for the Electric constant Using Only Planck Units
An approach to Describing Elementary Charge Using Only Planck Units
Expression for the Fine Structure Constant Using Only Planck Units
Expressions for the Gravitational Constant to 12 Significant Digits
New Expression for the Magnetic Constant Using Only Planck Units
Classical Physics
What is the Physical Difference Between Baryonic and Electromagnetic Phenomena?
Equivalence of Inertial and Gravitational Mass as a Geometric Property of Nature
Simplest Relation Between Fundamental Length, Mass, and Time
Physical Differences in Describing Phenomena Locally Versus with Respect to the Universe
Discrete Expressions Constrain our Understanding of Charge and the Ground State Orbital of an Atom
Physical Significance of Symmetry and Why Some Phenomena are Not Symmetric
Using Discrete Classical Expressions to Describe Quantum Entanglement
Physical Correlated Approach Demonstrates Singularities Are Not Predicted in Nature
Dark Energy – a Classical Description Using Measurement Quantization
Using Measurement Quantization to Describe Star Velocities Classically
Diameter & Age of the Universe as a Function of the CMB Temperature
Effective Mass of a Galaxy, Star Velocity and their Relation
Physical Significance of Classical and Non-Classical Gravitational Curvature
Classical Description of Mass in the Universe Without Λ and CDM