The Cosmological Group
Evolution of the Universe
Our present understanding of the evolution of the universe has certain gaps which thus far have offered limited opportunity for resolution. Most notably, one example is an epoch of faster-than-light expansion known as the inflationary period. Measurement quantization has recently opened the door to describing the earliest epoch of our universe.1(Sec. 3.13) In stark contrast to inflationary theory, MQ describes a period of quantum inflation which precedes the expansion we see today.1(Sec. 3.13) The descriptions provided by MQ are not attempts to fill in clues from the existing measurement data. Rather, quantum inflation is a direct outcome of the quantization of measure, not only providing extensive detail regarding the nature and physical description of this epoch, but allowing straight-forward calculations of phenomena such as the CMB, those calculations matching our best measurement data to the same number of significant digits.1(Sec. 3.14)
With respect to MQ, the universe begins with a quantum inflationary epoch1(Sec. 3.13) during which accreted mass1(Sec. 3.12) builds inside a quantum bubble with increasing density. The mass density has no effect on the rate of expansion during this period.1(Eqs. 130-138) Rather, expansion is a geometric function of the passage of time, a period which is terminated by the referencing geometry within the existing bubble that constitutes the early universe.1(Eq. 140) At conclusion, quantum inflation ends when the referential system is no longer constrained within and the universe may then expand at the speed of light, the accreted mass expanding uniformly within, evenly distributed as a cosmic microwave background (CMB).1(Eqs. 142-146)
The supporting measurement data crosses several disciplines, from the measure of θsi1(Tbl. 1) (an important constant that defines the rate of universal expansion),1(Sec. 4.3) to the measure of mass/energy distributions,1(Sec. 3.11) to the measure of the quantity, age, density and temperature of the CMB.1(Eqs. 142-146) Research continues along the same lines with inquiry as to what initiated the quantum bubble,1(Sec. 3.13) which then leads to quantum inflation. This is perhaps the most notable aspect of research, lending new possibilities into understanding what conditions existed prior to the birth of the universe and therein what conditions define that which might be considered external to the universe (if such a concept exists as might be described in terms of the three fundamental measures).1(Sec. 3.2) Further validation of each of the measures identified are also of significant interest making the full breath of this field considerable.
Further studies of the age, quantity, temperature and density of the cosmic microwave background1(Sec. 3.14) 2(Sec. 3.6) are neede to better correlate MQ theory in comparison of existing models.
MQ theory also argues for mass accretion,1(Sec. 3.12) a process very different from modern theory. In support of this prediction, we should find properties consistent with the CMB that indicate formation prior and up to the end of the quantum inflationary epoch.1(Sec. 3.13) Further, not all mass in the universe should be the same age as the universe. A model of mass accretion1(Sec. 3.12) argues that some mass is quite old while other mass will be relatively new, birthed within the vacuum of space. There may be experimental approaches that can measure the age of certain particles.
While the rate of universal expansion1(Sec. 3.7) is a key feature consistent with several other group initiatives, it is also instrumental to our understanding of the evolution of the universe. Further studies are needed with which to resolve the rate of universal expansion. Along these lines, studies are also needed to resolve galactic expansion, if any. That is, after subtracting out the effects of universal expansion are there any residual effects creating an additional expansion effect between the galaxies?1(Sec. 4.3)
Most notably, experimental results are needed to better understand if the laws of nature have changed between the quantum inflationary period1(Sec. 3.13) and the expansionary period we are in today? MQ offers for the first time specific predictions regarding the relation between length, mass and time1(Eq. 47) during this earliest epoch enabling researchers to devise new experiments that describe the early universe.
- Many of the investigations in this field enable us to understand how the universe came to be. At the leading edge of research, this field endeavors to map out the physical characteristics of the quantum inflationary period.1(Sec. 3.13) With that we may then determine the prerequisite conditions that may have led to the birth of the universe, or at least prerequisite conditions of what we call the earliest epoch.
Supporting Research
Published Research
Quantum Inflation, Transition to Expansion, CMB Power Spectrum